Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Kajeel was the so-called Master of Undergate, who ran his own drinking hole in Westgate's shady underbelly – Undergate, in the late 14th century DR.[1]

Oh look, another fleshy city dweller wishes to sample the depraved delights of the one and only Kajeel's. Do me a favor and tie his tentacle to a ship's anchor, will you? That overgrown squid deserves to be at the bottom of the harbor.


Kajeel was a very large mind flayer, gambler, business owner, and a talented psion.[1]


Kajeel ran a bar in the Undergate section of Westgate and had many dealings with the infamous Night Masks. His shady underground establishment attracted those in search of criminal dealings and "depraved delights." The mind flayer limited accessibility to his establishment, allowing only individuals with special tokens inside. He chose his clients carefully, allowed the right people in, and kept the wrong people out. Sometime before the Year of Lightning Storms, 1374 DR, Kajeel was challenged to a game of cards by an overly-drunk and confident dao genie. The elemental bed a hundred years of servitude against Kajeel's establishment. Gambling against a prison was a poor decision. The dao lost. Since then, the sarcastic elemental was tasked with guarding the magic gate to the bar located in the Undergate. The unnamed dao was only to let individuals with tokens inside, with no exceptions. The genie was bound by his indented servitude oath and could not disobey. However, he spoke against his master often.[1]



Video Games
Neverwinter Nights 2: Mysteries of Westgate


External links[]

  • Neverwinter 2 symbol Kajeel article at the NWN2Wiki, a wiki for the Neverwinter Nights 2 games.