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A kamadan (pronounced: /ˈkæmɑːdɑːnKÆM-a-dan[5][1]) was a leopard-like creature from the jungles of Chult.[1]


Kamadans were otherwise identical to leopards, except for the additional six snake bodies protruding from their shoulders.[1]


The typical strategy of a hunting kamadan was to use its sleeping gas breath weapon to knock its prey unconscious before moving for the kill. The snakes also possessed a powerful poison with their bites.[1]


Kamadan 1e

Failed attempt to tame a kamadan.

Kamadans hunted either alone or in mated pairs.[1]

Some sages claimed that kamadans were related to displacer beasts,[4] although most recognized that the similarities between them were coincidental and the creatures were unrelated.[1] Kamadans were also known to despise displacer beasts and to attack them on sight.[2]

A close relative of the kamadan was the kamatlan, a similar creature that was native to Maztica.[3]

Notable kamadans[]

Shagambi, one of the Nine Trickster Gods of Chult, was a wise and virtuous kamadan.[6]




  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Christopher Perkins, Will Doyle, Steve Winter (September 19, 2017). Tomb of Annihilation. Edited by Michele Carter, Scott Fitzgerald Gray. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 225. ISBN 978-0-7869-6610-3.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Greg A. Vaughan (July 2006). “The Coming Storm”. In Erik Mona ed. Dungeon #136 (Paizo Publishing, LLC) (136)., p. 60.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Douglas Niles (August 1991). “Maztica Alive”. Maztica Campaign Set (TSR, Inc.), p. 61. ISBN 1-5607-6084-2.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Don Turnbull (1981). Fiend Folio. (TSR Hobbies), p. 55. ISBN 0-9356-9621-0.
  5. Frank Mentzer (January 1985). “Ay pronunseeAYshun gyd”. In Kim Mohan ed. Dragon #93 (TSR, Inc.), p. 26.
  6. Christopher Perkins, Will Doyle, Steve Winter (September 19, 2017). Tomb of Annihilation. Edited by Michele Carter, Scott Fitzgerald Gray. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 256. ISBN 978-0-7869-6610-3.


True Felines
Mundane felines: CheetahHouse catJaguarLeopardLionMountain lionOcelotPantherRed tigerSaber-toothed tigerSand catSnow leopardSnow tigerSpotted lionTiger
Giant felines: Dire lionDire tigerGiant lynx
Magical felines: Cath sheeCrag catElven catJaguar lordJana-nimrJana-qitatLuck eaterSabu lordSwamplight lynxTressymWater cat
Planar felines: Fey pantherSpectral panther

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