Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Kerellos Rune-Twisted was a human proxy of the Faerûnian power known as Azuth, considered to be his main proxy, as well as a member of the Harmonium.[1]


Kerellos had the appearance of an ordinary, elderly and decrepit human male. However, those who could detect it would notice an incredible aura of magic around him.[1]


This proxy took pleasure in how his appearance made others underestimate him and think him harmless. However, Kerellos always kept his guard up in case over encounters with those who disrespect law.[1]


Whenever Kerellos took a liking to young wizards he met the proxy would slip them a scroll or two, always containing some form of magic that was far beyond their current skill in the Art. Those who saw fit to cast their scroll as soon as possible were viewed by Kerellos as having no foresight and were left to suffer the consequences of whatever spell they had cast. While who did have foresight, choosing to instead hold on to and save their spell scroll, were viewed in a positive light by the proxy and would receive his aid in the future.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Colin McComb (February 1995). “Arcadia”. In Michele Carter ed. Planes of Law (TSR, Inc), p. 9. ISBN 0786900938.