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Keremish was a vampire criminal and extortionist from the town of Skull Crag in the mid-to-late 14th century DR.[1]


In the early 1360s DR, the legendary set of enchanted items known as the Arms of the Roadwarden were lost to a monster attack after the local hero Arelin Starbrow's death. Subsequently, the set was recovered by a group of adventurers. When Keremish learned about the retrieval, he used his vampiric gifts to lure and kidnap the aged husband of Arelin Starbrow, Morudel of Marsember. The vampire dragged the prisoner to a ruined hin village southeast of Skull Crag across the Tunlands. Members of Keremish's gang issued demands to Arelin's children for the Arms of the Roadwarden in exchange for Morudel's life. The Roadwarden Guard intentionally stretched the negotiations out to buy time for the adventurers to rescue the hostage.[1]

The group investigated the kidnapping and stumbled upon a group of thieves whispering about the old halfling village, and they followed the clue. There, the adventurers slew ettins working for the vampire and many members of the gang, eventually confronting and slaying Keremish.[1]



  1. Portraits and dialogue box images used in Forgotten Realms: Unlimited Adventures are from previous games in the series as well as licensed art from the TSR, Inc. catalogue. This image was cropped from the cover of Dungeon Masters Guide 1st edition


