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Forgotten Realms Wiki

The King's Arch was a famous and important bridge in Amn.[1]


The bridge crossed the River Esmel with the South Road, halfway between Gambiton and Esmeltaran.[1][2]


The bridge was made of solid stone in a simple design.[1]


The bridge was built early in the reign of King Esmel Torlath I in the 5th century DR as part of the infrastructure development of the kingdom of Amn.[1]

By the 14th century DR the bridge was in mild disrepair, and the flagstones needed replacing.[1] The venerable bridge met its end on Eleasis 8 at the start of the Sothillisian War, when the invading Skullgnashers and Spearbiters passed over it on the way to Esmeltaran. After they crossed, the hill giants smashed the bridge in order to prevent Amnians from Esmeltaran from escaping in that direction.[3]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Steven E. Schend (August 1997). “Book Two: Amn”. In Roger E. Moore ed. Lands of Intrigue (TSR, Inc.), p. 47. ISBN 0-7869-0697-9.
  2. 2.0 2.1 ProFantasy Software Ltd. (1999). Forgotten Realms Interactive Atlas. TSR, Inc. File: Amn.FCW
  3. Steven E. Schend (August 1997). “Book Two: Amn”. In Roger E. Moore ed. Lands of Intrigue (TSR, Inc.), p. 24. ISBN 0-7869-0697-9.