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Kirgard was a fort used by forces of Mosstone and Port Kir as well as the residence of the Count of County Greenshores in Tethyr.[2]


Kirgard was built almost exactly between Port Kir and Mosstone off the patch of the Trade Way called Druid's Drive.[2][3] The fort stood atop a seashore cliff, only a short 1 mile (1.6 kilometers) ride towards the Firedrake Bay, to the west from Druid's Drive.[2]


The fort consisted of the main manor and several adjacent buildings. The manor was the home and seat of power of the ruler of the County Greenshores. In the late 14th century DR, Count Jordy Gallum and Countess-Consort Shaern Gallum were in charge of the region. The adjacent buildings were barracks where the garrison was stationed.[2]


The manor had at least three floors. Before the manor was completely restored and the Count took residence there, the garrison was stationed inside it, rather than in the adjacent buildings. As of the Year of the Banner, 1368 DR, the garrison still occupied Kirgard manor. Soldiers slept on thin pallets, shoulder to shoulder in its limited space. Officers were given rooms on the third floor with more space and privacy, the rooms that once were taken by the manor's servants.[1]


Originally, Kirgard was the manor of the baron of Kirgrove until the Year of the Bright Blade, 1347 DR, the end of the reign of King Alemander IV. With the fall of the barony, Kirgard was ransacked and ruined during the period of time in Tethyr known as the Black Days. Following the Reclamation Wars, the old barony became part of the County Greenshores, and Kirgard was rebuilt and transformed into a small fort that held garrisons from the towns of Mosstone and Port Kir.[2]





  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Elaine Cunningham (2008-01-08). “Redemption”. In Philip Athans ed. Realms of War (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 203–225. ISBN 0-7869-4934-1.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Steven E. Schend (August 1997). “Book One: Tethyr”. In Roger E. Moore ed. Lands of Intrigue (TSR, Inc.), p. 62. ISBN 0-7869-0697-9.
  3. Ed Greenwood (July 2000). Volo's Guide to Baldur's Gate II. Edited by Duane Maxwell, David Noonan. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 114. ISBN 0-7869-1626-5.