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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Kirian was the leader of an arrogant adventuring troupe from the city of Waterdeep in the mid−14th century DR.[1]

Come on now, let's be real. Look at yourselves. The bunch of you have about as much style as a pack of gibberlings. The way you hold yourselves, pathetic. All you are is a bunch of hicks who slapped on some armor and weapons and decided that they could be adventurers. It's real sad.
— Kirian[1]


Kirian was trained in the use of swords and had access to such arcane spells as lightning bolt, monster summoning I, horror, Melf's acid arrow, mirror image, and Larloch's minor drain.[1]


The adventuress was armed with an enchanted +1 longsword and wore bracers of defense. She also was in possession of the golden girdle of Urnst.[1]


In the Year of the Banner, 1368 DR, Kirian's adventuring party visited the area east of Beregost known as Mutamin's Garden. There, Kirian, Lindin, Baerin, and Peter antagonized travelers, fellow adventurers, and "rustic locals", provoking them into combat.[1]



Video Games
Baldur's Gate

External Links[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 BioWare (December 1998). Designed by James Ohlen. Baldur's Gate. Black Isle Studios.