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Kreodo, nicknamed the "Sea Queen", was a half-orc fighter and thief and the leader of the Wraith of the Inner Sea mercenary company and privateer fleet in Chessenta in the mid–14th century DR.[1][2][3]


Kreodo was originally a slave of a Flaming Spike orc tribe in the Akanapeaks, but she escaped and went to the city of Reth. This was the start of a long career and many adventures.[1]

Later, in Mordulkin, she joined the local thieves' guild. However, feeling she'd rather live on the seas, she bought a ship and hired a crew and decided to become a pirate.[1]

She went on to form and take command of the Wraith of the Inner Sea privateering company, which had been long-standing by 1357 DR.[1][2][note 1] They were still active in the early 1360s DR, when Kreodo was still waiting for Turmish to replace the loss of the Sea Jewel.[3]


As leader of the Wraith of the Inner Sea, Kreodo commanded four ships that plied the Chessentan coast, Wizards' Reach, and Inner Sea. She herself captained the dromond also named Sea Queen, the flagship of the fleet. Her first mate was Rutters. Her flag was a black crown on a blood-red field.[3][2] She commanded with a typical naval hierarchy, and her officers obeyed her orders.[3]


Kreodo was cruel and even vicious to her foes, but she was normally courteous and kind to the victims of her attacks. She ensured that people who surrendered to her would be treated well before they were returned to their homes[1][3] such as for a ransom.[3]


Kreodo had almost fully human features and had long black hair and blue eyes (which were very rare in a half-orc).[1]



  1. Gold & Glory says the Wraith were "a long-standing fleet", suggesting it might predate Kreodo's leadership, but from Old Empires it may be inferred it began with Kreodo first setting up a pirate. Thus this article assumed Kreodo founded the Wraith and has been leading it for a long time.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Scott Bennie (February 1990). Old Empires. Edited by Mike Breault. (TSR, Inc.), p. 62. ISBN 978-0880388214.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Scott Bennie (February 1990). Old Empires. Edited by Mike Breault. (TSR, Inc.), p. 63. ISBN 978-0880388214.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Tim Beach (1992). Gold & Glory. (TSR, Inc), pp. 5, 32, 65. ISBN 1-56076-334-5.