Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Patrol Captain Lanward was an officer in the Neverwinter Guard who lived in Neverwinter in the late 15th century DR.[1]

Look, tensions are running high here. I can't just let any half-orc come in here and start running around.
— Lanward[1]


Following the Siege of Neverwinter in the Year of the Ageless One, 1479 DR, Lanward was stationed in the Tower District,[note 1] which was occupied by Many-Arrows orcs. He was ordered to make sure no agents or sympathizers of Many-Arrows entered or left the district by the entrance near the Fallen Tower tavern. In practice, this meant preventing even half-orcs—like Johari who were long-time residents who wanted to help and adventurers recruited by Sergeant Alphonse Knox to serve the Guard—from entering the district for fear that they would join the cause of their orc cousins. While an accomplished half-orc adventurer recruit gave him pause for thought, Lanward tasked the adventurer with confirming that some Many-Arrows orcs were afflicted with spellscars, he said to convince the other guardsmen.[1]



  1. The Neverwinter MMORPG includes several locations and events in its Tower District that the Neverwinter Campaign Setting already established as being in the River District; thus, the Tower District is assumed to be the eastern River District. Moreover, the game introduces its own River District in The Cloaked Ascendancy located south of the Neverwinter River, which the Neverwinter Campaign Setting page 139 has north of the river. For the purposes of this wiki, all locations appearing in the Tower District in Neverwinter are included in the River District and all locations in the game's River District are included in the Chasm.


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