Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Laskalan's Lamps and Lanterns was a small shop that repaired used and sold new lamps, lanterns, both with installed hidden compartments, wicks, lamp oil, and candles, located on Saerdoun Street in the North Ward of Waterdeep in the late 15th century DR.[1]


Lamps and Lanterns shared a three-story-and-an-attic building with a number of other businesses. The building stood on the southern side of Saerdoun Street, three doors west from the intersection with Thunderstaff Way. Other tenants of the office building were Erro Alhandrar's Nets, Demra Samdro's Best Beds, Tantra Jaressra's Fine Gowns, and Vressa's Sweep Begone, as well as Tiger's Eye at one point.[1]


Laskalan's Lamps and Lanterns shop was established sometime before the building changed management in the Year of Twelve Warnings, 1494 DR. The new landlord was the gnome named Hardyn Glorjarn, who took over the building's attic.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Ed Greenwood (2024-02-12). Vressa's Sweep Begone (Tweet). theedverse. Twitter. Archived from the original on 2024-02-13. Retrieved on 2024-02-12.