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Lastri Kassireh was the Captain of the ship call the Vigilant circa 1374 DR.[1]

She is one of the few foreign captains allowed to land in the port of Samargol. She is of hin blood, and has a temper shorter than her height – but she is capable, or can at least summon the illusion of being such.


Lastri was a lightfoot halfling with short dark hair. She had a martial bearing and piercing stare that easily betrayed her commanding position.[1]


Captain Kassireh had a cheerful and boisterous personality.[1]


Lastri was a lucky and nimble swashbuckler who wielded her enchanted rapier in battle and wore a set of magic leathers.[1]


In the 1374 DR, Captain Kassireh and the Vigilant sailed from the Sword Coast to the Chultan nation of Samarach. Onboard the ship were several passengers, including Volothamp Geddarm who traveled to meet with a wealthy yuan-ti merchant Sa'Sani. The voyage was cursed with bad luck and numerous strange occurrences. Food supplies were mysteriously spoiled, freshwater barrels – ruptured, one of the crew – Kellen got drunk and drowned, Volo almost got poisoned, new ropes became frayed.[1]

Close to the shores of Samarach, the ship's ill luck culminated in a storm that destroyed the Vigilant, tossing the broken vessel to the shores. Several members of Lastri's crew died in the shipwreck; however, the captain herself, along with the first mate Kadjin, were captured by a gang of hungry Batiri goblins.[1]

With her livelihood gone and reputation tarnished, Lastri Kassireh abandoned her career as a captain and dedicated herself to finding what turned out to be a saboteur from the Cult of Zehir. She joined her fellow survivors, now Sa'Sani's hirelings in untangling the yuan-ti plot. During their adventures, Lastri angered her goddess and realized that her future laid in being a sellsword, and not venturing into the Bath Queen's domain.[1]



Video Games
Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir

