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Launfal was one of the Squires of the Order of Tye, an elite organization dedicated to guarding the members of the Lords' Alliance circa 1372 DR.[1]


Launfal was a young human man who wore azure blue colors of his order on top of a set of heavy armor.[1]


In 1372 DR, Square Launfal, along with Squire Blancheflor and Squire Camelon were close to earning their knighthood with the Order of Tye. Only one last test remained between the trio and the full membership - the Knight's Trial. The trio of squires was sent to the Lonely Barrens of the Delimbiyr Vale, to slay the feared beast - the Mighty Rat of Cunning Demeanor. When the squires entered the beast's lair, the intelligent and cunning rat lured them to the "dining room" inside its cavern and sent a swarm of hungry vermin to devour the young knights.[1]

The trio escaped certain death with the experience leaving them traumatized, terrified, and panicked. Launfal's grim face was streaked with tears and. By a stroke of luck the Hero of Daggerford happened upon the distraught knights-to-be and agreed to help slaying the horrific creature. The Hero was successful in ridding the land of MRCD's ferocious swarm. However, the rat was not slain. Instead, the creature was convinced to surrender itself to the squires and be taken to Waterdeep as a prisoner. When the Hero brought the sentient vermin out, wrapped in a piece of cloth, Launfal was calmed by the rat's cuteness.[1]

Squires thanked the Hero, and departed the Lonely Barrens in anticipation of being knighted and treated as brave heroes.[1]



Video Games
Neverwinter Nights: Darkness over Daggerford

