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Leechwalkers were lumbering blood-hungry creatures comprised of endless wriggling leeches.[1]


These wriggling vermin resembled hulking humanoids of 6 feet (1.8 meters) in height. They were attracted to blood, draining their victims dry within minutes. These creatures consisted of a massive number of constantly moving leeches. They had engorged stomachs and heads with no facial features or visible sensory organs. Their entire bodies glistened with transparent slime.[1]


Leechwalkers consisted of numerous leeches, each with its own set of sensory organs, granting the collective creature all-around vision. Because of that, leechwalkers could rarely be surprised and could never be flanked. They also could see in the dark at the distance of 60 feet (18 meters) Secreted slime that covered its entire body, leechwalker was resistant to bludgeoning. Because it consisted of thousands of leeches, a leechwalker could not be affected by energy-draining abilities and spells, nor could it be peacefully subdued. Being non-intelligent, leechwalkers were unaffected by mind-altering magics and abilities.[1] Large quantities of salt were deadly for the blood-sucking creature.[3]


Leechwalkers were non-intelligent creatures who were motivated by the need to nourish themselves. They couldn't differentiate between creatures and viewed all as food. They did not feel fear or had an instinct of self-preservation, always directly attacking their prey.[1]


When attacking their prey, leechwalkers attempted to grapple and latch onto targets. Once attached, thousands of leches that comprised their bodies started devouring targets' blood. The longer a victim remained grappled, the more of the blood was drained and weaker they became. Each wound dale by a leechwalker remained open, constantly bleeding, until treated.[1]


Individual leechwalkers were known to hunt in the sewers of Waterdeep.[2] Apart from severs, they infested swamps, bogs, or moisture-laden underground locations.[1]


In the Year of Rogue Dragons, 1373 DR, a conjured leechwalker was used to assassinate a corrupt member of the Municipal Guard of Arrabar – Captain Dressus. Wanting to kill two birds with one leech-infested stone, a sneak-coin cabal who wanted to profit from an orchestrated war used the same leechwalker to spring a trap on Vambran Matrell. The young noble of House Matrell was investigating a murder committed by the cabal. A tracking spell brought him to a warehouse in Arrabar's Warehouse District, where the creature attempted to devour Vambran. Luckily, Xaphira Matrell shadowed her nephew and helped him defeat the creature by emptying a barrel of salt on its "head."[3]



The Sapphire Crescent

