Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Lightning lance was an evocation spell that created a bolt of corporeal lightning that could be wielded or thrown as a weapon or discharged at will.[1]


When the spell was cast, a 4-foot-long (1.2 meters) shaft of lightning appeared in the caster's hand. If they wished, the cleric could discharge the lance upon an object or surface, throw it in a manner similar to a javelin, or wield it as a polearm.[1]

If the lightning lance was thrown, it flew through the air and damaged any person or creature it struck, similar to a lightning bolt. When wielded as a melee weapon, the lance functioned as if it possessed a +1 enchantment.[1]


The specifications of this spell were inscribed upon the Talassan relic, the Chanting Chain.[1]


This spell required verbal and somatic components in order to be cast.[1]


