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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Liia Jannath was a Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate during the years following the Time of Troubles.[1][3]


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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Ed Greenwood, Jeff Grubb (August 1987). “Cyclopedia of the Realms”. In Karen S. Martin ed. Forgotten Realms Campaign Set (TSR, Inc.), p. 27. ISBN 0-88038-472-7.
  2. Ed Greenwood, Julia Martin, Jeff Grubb (1993). Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 2nd edition (revised), A Grand Tour of the Realms. (TSR, Inc), p. 87. ISBN 1-5607-6617-4.
  3. BioWare (December 1998). Designed by James Ohlen. Baldur's Gate. Black Isle Studios.