Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Lirith was a dragonborn elder, leader of the Inquest, and one of four overseers of the Abeiran city of Xorvintroth. Lirith and their colleagues enjoyed an afterlife; their consciousnesses were preserved as spectral echoes in the Astral Plane, despite the deaths of their dragonborn bodies.[1]


Like other Inquest leaders, Lirith wore a set of robes decorated astronomical symbols and imagery of the arcane embroidery. They also each wore a metallic necklace that featured a large medallion depicting a crown of viridian crystals.[1]

While in the Astral Plane, Lirith and the other Inquest elders appeared to wear these very crowns, which allowed them to avoid detection by roaming astral dreadnoughts.[1]


Along with the other Inquest elders, Lirith's consciousness was transferred to a brain in a jar after their death.[2] While researching the Far Realm, their astral forms became trapped in the Astral Plane itself. After that point, they arranged for their dead bodies and still-living brains to be transported elsewhere in Xorvintroth.[1]

At some point the being known as the Emissary of the Nine Eyes granted them a vision of a 'viridian planet' that would serve as an ideal new world for the dragonborn people. This planet would allow them to create new lives for themselves, free from constant strife and warfare.[1] The Inquest immediately set to work on constructing the bridge of stars,[2] a means by which they could travel from Abeir to this new world. Unfortunately, their work would never be completed.[1]

After an unknown amount of time, circa the Year of the Warrior Princess, 1489 DR, the living brains of Lirith, Ukthet and Krektesh were discovered within the ruins of Xorvintroth. They were all quite shaken after encountering the people that awoke them, uncertain of their surroundings and concerned about their fellow Graoul.[2]



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Plague of Ancients (Volatile Thoughts)Dreams of the Red Wizards (Expedition to the Supreme Forge)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Ashley Warren, Paul Gabat (March 2022). Expedition to the Supreme Forge (DDAL-DRW17) (PDF). D&D Adventurers League: Dreams of the Red Wizards (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 14–15.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Travis Woodall, Stacey Allan (May 2021). Volatile Thoughts (DDAL10-08) (PDF). D&D Adventurers League: Plague of Ancients (Wizards of the Coast), p. 14.