Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

This is a list of armors that were non-magical and common in the Realms.

For a collection of unique sets of armor and magical armors see Category:Armor.

List of armors[]

Light Armor[]

Name Cost (gp) Weight (lb.) Source Page
Mud armor 0 8 Races of Faerûn (2003) 157
Padded 5 10 Player's Handbook (2003) 123
Leather 10 15 Player's Handbook (2003) 123
Studded leather 25 20 Player's Handbook (2003) 123
Chitine web 75 10 Underdark (2003) 66
Sharkskin armor 85 15 Races of Faerûn (2003) 157
Chain shirt 100 25 Player's Handbook (2003) 123
Chameleon leather 360 15 Serpent Kingdoms (2004) 148
Spidersilk 750 10 Underdark (2003) 66
Nightscale 1,000 3 Underdark (2003) 66

Medium Armor[]

Name Cost (gp) Weight (lb.) Source Page
Hide 15 25 Player's Handbook (2003) 123
Thunderhide armor 25 25 Serpent Kingdoms (2004) 148
Scale mail 50 30 Player's Handbook (2003) 123
Chitin armor 75 20 Races of Faerûn (2003) 157
Lamellar[note 1] 100 30 Arabian Adventures (1992) 92
Chainmail 150 40 Player's Handbook (2003) 123
Breastplate 200 30 Player's Handbook (2003) 123
Tentacled hide 315 30 Underdark (2003) 66
Serpentscale mail 800 25 Serpent Kingdoms (2004) 148

Heavy Armor[]

Name Cost (gp) Weight (lb.) Source Page
Ring mail 30 40 Player's Handbook 5th edition (2014) 145
Stonemail 180 35 Underdark (2003) 66
Splint mail 200 45 Player's Handbook (2003) 123
Banded mail 250 35 Player's Handbook (2003) 123
Half-plate 600 50 Player's Handbook (2003) 123
Full plate 1,500 50 Player's Handbook (2003) 123
Dendritic crystal 2,000 60 Races of Faerûn (2003) 157
Heavy plate 2,000 100 Underdark (2003) 66
Feeler plate 2,500 65 Underdark (2003) 66



  1. The price and weights in for this item are based on 2nd Edition Dungeons and Dragons.