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Aglarond 4E

The Aglarond region of the Living Forgotten Realms campaign was assigned to players in the southeastern United States. It was set in the area comprising Aglarond and its environs.


AGLA1-1 Lost Temple of the Fey Gods[]

Faeries, sprites, nymphs, and dryads—the fey creatures of Faerûn's wild places are often dismissed as nuisances and pranksters. Those who truly understand the fey know that as with all things natural, there is a darker side to these creatures of fancy. Could a rash of stolen food and sleep dust traps point to a more sinister threat lurking on the wild side of reality? A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Aglarond for characters levels 1–4.
  • Designer(s): Bill W. Baldwin
  • Released: September 2008
  • Levels: 1st – 4th

AGLA1-2 At the Foot of the Lighthouse[]

The Sea of Fallen Stars is the lifeblood for many who live along the coast of Aglarond. For the men and women who ply their trades over its dangerous depths, the sight of a lighthouse means a welcome return to the relative safety of shore. That is, of course, unless the lighthouse in question is no longer dedicated to guiding travelers along the safe path. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Aglarond for characters levels 4–7.
  • Designer(s): Andrew Schneider
  • Released: November 2008
  • Levels: 4th – 7th

AGLA1-3 The Worst of All Snares[]

There are those in Aglarond who seek to undo the racial harmony that defines the peninsular nation. A request for aid from a local sage draws you into to the savage underbelly of the slums of Old Velprintalar to confront these villains and put an end to their plans. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Aglarond for characters levels 7–10.
  • Designer(s): Brad Gardner
  • Released: January 2009
  • Levels: 7th – 10th

AGLA1-4 Through Twilight Boughs[]

The Tome of Twilight Boughs is a legendary book of powerful ancient Yuir rituals protected by cryptic magic. The tome, or a copy of it, has recently been found. A half-elf scholar believes he has decoded a portion of it and now invites adventurers to help verify the contents. But how exactly does one verify the contents of a book over 2,000 years old? This adventure is the second part of the Tome of Twilight Boughs major quest (which began in AGLA1-1 Lost Temple of the Fey Gods and will conclude in AGLA1-7 Twilight Ambitions). A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Aglarond for characters levels 4–7.
  • Designer(s): Bill W. Baldwin
  • Released: June 2009
  • Levels: 4th – 7th

AGLA1-5 Silver Lining[]

Main article: Silver Lining
The commander of the Watchwall is looking for adventurers for a special mission into the Tannath Mountains. The Watchwall is always undermanned and the commander thinks he may have found some new recruits. But war, like politics, can make for strange bedfellows. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Aglarond for characters levels 1–4. This adventure is the beginning of both the "Invisible Road" and "Circle of Stones" Major Quests.
  • Designer(s): Brad Gardner
  • Released: July 2009
  • Levels: 1st – 4th

AGLA1-6 Twisted Roots Run Deep[]

Main article: Twisted Roots Run Deep
In Old Velprintalar, where those neglected and forgotten by society live and die in squalor, power can be had by a strong arm, a few coins, or powerful influence. Cutthroats, thugs, and thieves thrive here—but to what purpose? Plans once thought put to rest now have new life. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Aglarond for characters levels 11–14. This adventure a continuation of the major quest Something Smells in Veltalar, begun in AGLA1-3 The Worst of all Snares.
  • Designer(s): Jared Fegan
  • Released: October 2009
  • Levels: 11th – 14th

AGLA1-7 Twilight Ambitions[]

Main article: Twilight Ambitions
Aldaron the Loremaster has continued to delve into the mysteries of the ancient Tome of Twilight Boughs. But some of the book's mysteries seem far from ancient and Aldaron needs the help of adventurers to figure out why. This adventure concludes the Major Quest involving the Tome of Twilight Boughs (which began with AGLA1-1 Lost Temple of the Fey Gods and continued with AGLA1-4 Through Twilight Boughs). A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Aglarond for characters levels 7–10.
  • Designer(s): Kevin Kimball
  • Released: May 2010
  • Levels: 7th – 10th

AGLA2-1 The Undumor Connection[]

Main article: The Undumor Connection
With no soldiers to spare, the commander at Citadel Dantalien needs you to retrieve an agent of the Simbarch's Guard from the Thayan outpost of Undumor. Are you ready to infiltrate a city filled with hordes of Thayan undead? A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Aglarond for characters levels 7–10 and Part 2 of the "Circle of Stones" major quest, which began in AGLA1-5.
  • Designer(s): Will Dover
  • Released: March 2010
  • Levels: 7th – 10th

AGLA2-2 First Strike[]

Main article: First Strike
The time is now! The Thayan forces of Undumor threaten to flood the Yuirwood with hordes of undead. The Simbarch Council seeks heroes of great renown as Aglarond prepares to deal with this threat. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Aglarond for characters levels 14–17. This is the conclusion of the "Circle of Stones" major quest, which began in AGLA1-5 Silver Lining and continued in AGLA2-1 The Undumor Connection. Those who have completed the "Tome of Twilight Boughs" major quest may also be interested in this adventure.
  • Designer(s): Rishi Agrawal
  • Released: June 2010
  • Levels: 14th – 17th