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Loathren was a wizard of Phlan some time in the late 13th or 14th century DR.[1][note 1]


One day, Loathren of Phlan came to the village of Maskyr's Eye in the Vast and made efforts to erect a tower on the place where once had stood Maskyr's Tower, the home of the vanished archmage Maskyr One-Eye, perhaps in an attempt to learn his secrets and magic. However, the stones laying about the bluff rose up of their own accord, spun about like leaves in a whirlwind, and rained down upon his camp, killing Loathren. Naturally, stories spread that this was Maskyr One-Eye's doing, or his abandoned magic, or a curse. Yet others claimed local dwarves were responsible, somehow, or that it was the work of a rival wizard opposed to Loathren acquiring Maskyr's arcane mastery. The curse story proved more popular and bards carried it far, so much fewer adventurers and ambitious mages came poking around the site.[1]



  1. It is unknown when Loathren lived and died, but given the timeline of Maskyr's Tower it is presumed to be within the lifetime of Khonduil Ammargath, and thus less than a century before the late 1350s DR.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Ed Greenwood (July 1990). “The Everwinking Eye: Elminster's Guide to the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting”. In Jean Rabe ed. Polyhedron #54 (TSR, Inc.), pp. 16–17.