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Lore of Lurue was a book written by the first High Mage of Silverymoon, Ecamane Truesilver. It told a story around the founding of Silverymoon and how the region came to be blessed by the the goddess Lurue. It was found in the vast libary of Candlekeep by 1492 DR.[1]


The book also possessed unique magical properties. Upon beginning to read the text, the reader and nearby beings were transported to a demiplane created to look, act, and feel like the North before the founding of Silverymoon. Characters and events from the story were conjured and performed with the transported creatures acting as the protagonists. Upon completing the story, the reader and companions were transported back to where they began.[1]



Candlekeep Mysteries: "Lore of Lurue"


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Kelly Lynne D'Angelo, Kim Mohan (March 2021). “Lore of Lurue”. In Kim Mohan ed. Candlekeep Mysteries (Wizards of the Coast), p. 114. ISBN 978-0-7869-6722-3.