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The Lugsaas, or "Southern Shield", was a chain of mountains in the south of the Great Glacier, which formed the border with the Cold Lands to the south.[1] As of the late 15th century DR, the western reaches of the chain north of the River Pelauvir were known as the Titan Peaks.[2][3]


The Lugsaas Chain formed the border between Damara and Vaasa in the south and the Alpuk region in the north.[1]

The Lugsaas was the longest and tallest of the three Saas, "Shields", that surrounded and protected the Great Glacier and divided it off from the rest of Toril. This Southern Shield was longer than 1,200 miles, stretching from the Tuutsaas Chain northeast of the Tortured Land to the Angsaas Chain and Sossal.[1]

There were only a few passes through the Lugsaas, in the lower elevations, and they were both dangerous and narrow.[1]

Flora & Fauna[]

Wild packs of kupuk roamed the lower elevations of the Lugsaas Chain. The peaks were swarming with remorhaz, living in tunnels underneath the ice of the mountains.[4]

A rare, silver-colored moss known as ring moss grew within crevasses in the mountains.[5]


The mountains that would come to be known as the Lugsaas Chain became frozen in ice during the Great Glacier's advance in the -25th century DR.[6]

In the Year of Eyes, 1141 DR, a cabal of evil wizards who claimed to be from Vaasa caused a citadel of ice to arise at the base of Mount Okk, one of the tallest mountains in the range. It was said that they were experimenting with creating an entirely new school of magic based on cold, and that they had plans to use their new powers for conquest. They were known to have accumulated a large collection of gems and precious metals for their research, said to be guarded in the dungeons below the castle by enchanted monsters made of ice.[7]

Seven years later, in the Year of the Angry Sea, 1148 DR a massive earthquake rocked northern Vaasa and shook the Lugsaas mountains. At Mount Okk, a massive fissure opened to swallow up the ice castle, while an avalanche dumped a massive amount of rock and snow onto the site. No further sign of the wizards or their works are to be had.[7]

During the 15th century DR, the retreat of the Great Glacier had freed the Lugsaas Chain from the ice north of Vaasa and Damara. The western reaches of the Chain north of the Moonsea North remained frozen, and by the late 15th century were known as the Titan Peaks.[2][3]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Rick Swan (1992). The Great Glacier. (TSR, Inc), pp. 9–10. ISBN 1-56076-324-8.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Brian R. James (April 2010). “Realmslore: Vaasa”. In Chris Youngs ed. Dungeon #177 (Wizards of the Coast) (177)., p. 81.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Brian R. James and Matt James (September 2009). “Monument of the Ancients”. In Chris Youngs ed. Dungeon #170 (Wizards of the Coast) (170)., p. 56.
  4. Rick Swan (1992). The Great Glacier. (TSR, Inc), p. 54. ISBN 1-56076-324-8.
  5. Rick Swan (1992). The Great Glacier. (TSR, Inc), p. 57. ISBN 1-56076-324-8.
  6. Brian R. James, Ed Greenwood (September 2007). The Grand History of the Realms. Edited by Kim Mohan, Penny Williams. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 31. ISBN 978-0-7869-4731-7.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Rick Swan (1992). The Great Glacier. (TSR, Inc), p. 7. ISBN 1-56076-324-8.


The Saas
The Shields of the Great Glacier
Tuutsaas ChainLugsaas ChainAngsaas Chain