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M'warien, also known as Hieronymus,[2] was a morkoth that came into possession of the Eye of Xxiphu in the late 15th century DR.[1]

My eye… my eye… They took my eye…
— M'warien[4]


M'warien's most significant possession was the Eye of Xxiphu, the powerful fragment of the destroyed aboleth city Xxiphu. He tried to protect it from all others, even while it subtly manipulated him and drove him to madness.[2]

Like other morkoths, M'warien kept a large and eclectic collection of items and creatures on his island. He kept some items of his collection in cylinders made from glass.[5] His collection included:

  • A valuable tooth-shaped diamond containing the mad soul of the adventurer Black Dougal.[5]
  • A tome of understanding that could drive its owner to paranoia.[4]
  • Two mummies decorated with many citrines.[5]
  • The corpses of two hill giants, which he had performed experiments on.[6]
  • An illusion replicating Wonko the Magnificent, a ticket-puncher whose decaying body M'warien also kept.[7]
  • The Toga of Zagyg, a non-magical toga that gave the appearance of great power.[6]
  • A magic red apple from another plane that could provide powerful healing.[5]
  • A magic white apple from another plane that was incredibly poisonous.[6]
  • A very large pearl that was once the heart of M'warien's island before he replaced it with the Eye of Xxiphu.[4]
  • Many purple crystal golems in which he trapped the consciousnesses of humanoids.[8]


M'warien was a reclusive creature who lived in a chamber at the center of his large personal island.[8] His island traveled the planes of existence until he discovered the Eye of Xxiphu,[7] whereupon it stayed in the Sea of Swords.[1] From within his island, M'warien lured in creatures to perform experiments on.[6]


M'warien had a history of being subjugated by aboleths. After Xxiphu was destroyed, M'warien recovered the Eye of Xxiphu deep in the Sea of Fallen Stars. He recognized its potential to create another Xxiphu, and used its power to ward his island and hide the Eye away. The Eye's power corrupted his island, drove M'warien mad and allowed him to be discovered by those wanting to claim the Eye for themselves. The cloud giant Lord Dworkin, tempted by the Eye, attacked M'warien's isle from a floating castle.[2] SEER, an operative for the Lords' Alliance, sent a group of adventurers riding bronze dragons to the isle to find the Eye before anyone else.[9] In the chaos, M'warien's isle was also invaded by an aboleth, sahuagin, members of the Kraken Society, and sea elves led by their Princess Iridansa.[10]

M'warien used his crystal golems to defend his lair from the invaders, but he was overwhelmed by Dworkin's forces. Dworkin used a magical rod to disable the powers of the Eye of Xxiphu and steal it for himself. M'warien became distraught and violent at the loss of the Eye.[11]



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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Merric Blackman (2017). Eye of Xxiphu (DDAL5-19) (PDF). D&D Adventurers League: Storm King's Thunder (Wizards of the Coast), p. 4.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Merric Blackman (2017). The Mysterious Isle (DDAL5-18) (PDF). D&D Adventurers League: Storm King's Thunder (Wizards of the Coast), p. 4.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Merric Blackman (2017). Eye of Xxiphu (DDAL5-19) (PDF). D&D Adventurers League: Storm King's Thunder (Wizards of the Coast), p. 20.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Merric Blackman (2017). Eye of Xxiphu (DDAL5-19) (PDF). D&D Adventurers League: Storm King's Thunder (Wizards of the Coast), p. 12.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Merric Blackman (2017). Eye of Xxiphu (DDAL5-19) (PDF). D&D Adventurers League: Storm King's Thunder (Wizards of the Coast), p. 8.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Merric Blackman (2017). Eye of Xxiphu (DDAL5-19) (PDF). D&D Adventurers League: Storm King's Thunder (Wizards of the Coast), p. 9.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Merric Blackman (2017). The Mysterious Isle (DDAL5-18) (PDF). D&D Adventurers League: Storm King's Thunder (Wizards of the Coast), p. 12.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Merric Blackman (2017). Eye of Xxiphu (DDAL5-19) (PDF). D&D Adventurers League: Storm King's Thunder (Wizards of the Coast), p. 10.
  9. Merric Blackman (2017). The Mysterious Isle (DDAL5-18) (PDF). D&D Adventurers League: Storm King's Thunder (Wizards of the Coast), p. 7.
  10. Merric Blackman (2017). The Mysterious Isle (DDAL5-18) (PDF). D&D Adventurers League: Storm King's Thunder (Wizards of the Coast), p. 8.
  11. Merric Blackman (2017). Eye of Xxiphu (DDAL5-19) (PDF). D&D Adventurers League: Storm King's Thunder (Wizards of the Coast), p. 11.