Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Caliph Ma'mum al Sahnan, also called the Revered Father and the Humble Servant of the Enlightened Gods, was the ruler of Mahabba in the Pantheist League of interior Zakhara in 1367 DR.[note 1][1]


Ma'mum was a half-elf who wore a his gray beard cropped close.[1]


The caliph was a strict disciplinarian, giving off a fatherly vibe to his subjects. He was kind to those devoted to the Gods of the Pantheon and merciless to the unenlightened or misguided.[1]


Ma'mum was determined to crush the heretical uprising of Balanites within his city and throughout the Pantheist League.[1] He believed the Balanites were supported by other heretics in nearby Hudid, but Caliph Sajah al-Munsif refused three of his requests for formal investigations.[2]


Long before he became caliph of Mahabba, Ma'mum established himself as a skilled warrior in combat against the savage tribes of the Ruined Kingdoms. He was selected to be the next caliph of Mahabba by Rimaq al-Nimar whose decision was approved in Huzuz.[1]


Ma'mum was briefly married to his current Chief Vizier Tanatha who bore him three sons.[1]



  1. Canon material does not provide dating for the Al-Qadim campaign setting. For the purposes of this wiki only, the current date for Al-Qadim products is assumed to be 1367 DR.

