Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Harper bards always sing true tales of kings, as far as truth is known. They do not, for any reward, sing falsely the grand deeds of an usurper, or falsely portray as bad the nature and deeds of his vanquished predecessor. Even if such would make good tales and songs, a Harper cleaves to the truth. The truth—a thing slightly different for everyone—must be the rock that the castle of knowledge and achievement is built upon.
Storm Silverhand speaking of the Harpers to Shandril and Narm in the Year of the Prince, 1357 DR

A guide to the Forgotten Realms that anyone can edit, covering all editions and media.

Adventurers' Tales

Ed Greenwood icon 2

It's story-time with Ed Greenwood again as he relates one of the strangest stories we've yet heard, about one of the strangest divine artifacts known. You've heard of the Eye of Vecna, the Hand of Vecna, and maybe even the fabled Head of Vecna, but have you heard of... The Toenail of Vecna? If not, then you should join Ed's Patreon and get forewarning at least.

Unveiling the Toenail of Vecna: A Forgotten Realms Mystery Uncovered

Dive into one of the lesser-known (and more ridiculous) artifacts of the Forgotten Realms that threatens to doom Waterdeep - the Toenail of Vecna! Join me as I uncover the intriguing story of Lord Rorild "Rory" Bladesemmer during a recent revel at the Bladesemmer mansion in Waterdeep. Through an exclusive interview recorded by the Blackstaff of Waterdeep, Vajra Safahr, we unravel how Rory came into possession of this enigmatic artifact and the bizarre occurrences that followed. Filled with humorous banter, eerie visions, and old noble escapades, this piece of Realmslore promises a captivating journey. Don't miss out as I we answer the big question: what truly happened to the Toenail of Vecna?


Current Clack

Halaster Blackcloak

We also got lost in Halaster Blackcloak's dungeon. For some time.

Featured Article

Ilmater symbol
The Church of Ilmater was the religious organization dedicated to the worship and service of Ilmater, the Crying God. The clergy were dedicated to providing healing and succor to all in need, whatever the cost to themselves, as they believed life was sacred and that suffering to preserve it was holy. Misunderstood and scorned by those hard of heart, the Ilmatari were yet loved and relied upon by ordinary folk, and the church had the widest and most faithful following in all Faerûn. It was popular in the realms of Calimshan and Tethyr, was the state religion of the kingdoms of Damara and Impiltur, and was the civic deity of the city of Uzurr, while it was persecuted in Thay and Semphar.

The Ilmatari established their churches in areas stricken with poverty or oppression, and dedicated themselves to helping the sick and injured, the oppressed, and the poor. They gave healing and treatment; donated food, drink, and firewood; provided shelter for the homeless; offered moral support and counseling; and buried the dead. They also stood up for the persecuted, took risks to save people in danger, even sacrificed themselves for others.

Thanks to its practices and tenets, the Church of Ilmater produced many martyrs and saints, and was the only faith to have a saint known as "the Twice-Martyred". Many of these had an associated monastic order, each traditionally bearing the symbol of a flower, from the warrior monks of the Broken Ones to the oft-inebriated Order of Saint Dionysus. The church also had several affiliated knightly and paladin orders, such as the Companions of the Noble Heart and the Order of the Golden Cup. It had a dark side in the Cult of Shared Suffering, but this thorn in the church's side did not tarnish its reputation for goodness and charity.

New & Upcoming Releases

Hold Back the Dead art
Hold Back the Dead by Ron Lundeen is a promotional adventure for 5th-edition Dungeons & Dragons released on February 5, 2025, as a free digital-only product on D&D Beyond. It sees Szass Tam launch assaults by armies of undead against cities on the Sword Coast and in the Silver Marches for some reason, while the PCs try to defend Ironspine Keep. The characters of the 1980s Dungeons & Dragons cartoon are presented as sample characters.

Deep in the Western Heartlands, an evil Red Wizard conspires to overtake the land. Face hordes of deadly monsters and defend a mighty fortress from ruin in this challenging, single-session adventure.

Hold Back the Dead is a FREE digital adventure that is compatible with the 2024 Core Rulebooks. It contains a fortress map for Dungeon Masters and unlocks player-friendly maps, character tokens, and creature tokens for the D&D BEYOND Maps tool.

Featured Source

Ad&d gateway to the sf
Gateway to the Savage Frontier is a Dungeons and Dragons computer game developed by Stormfront Studios and published by Strategic Simulations, Inc. The title was the first game to take place in the Savage Frontier region and was the #1 selling MSDOS game in North America in August 1991. The improved Gold Box game engine was utilized, which was later used to create the first ever graphical MMO.

The players find themselves in the middle of the Zhentarim's plot to send monstrous armies across the Anauroch desert. In order to achieve this, the Zhentarim attempt to locate four ancient statuettes that repel monsters from all directions. However, the players have the opportunity to find the ring of reversal and put an end to the Zhentarim's plans.

Today in the Realms... is 17 Alturiak, or the 17th of the Claw of Winter. Selûne is a waxing crescent moon 🌒. On this day:


  • Table magic was an ancient supernatural practice that allowed magical effects to be called forth through mundane means, requiring neither the Gift nor the Weave to function. Though simple, table magic could potentially be as powerful as 12 archwizards working in concert.
  • House Haldoneir was a noble family of Cormyr renowned for its historical involvement in the nation's warfare. Although considered a "founding family" of Cormyr, over time the Haldoneirs became opposed to the Crown and allied themselves with Sembian groups like the Fire Knives and slaver organizations.
  • Hallucinations were perceived aspects of reality that did not actually exist. These delusions could take any form and have any level of detail, and were able to be induced with illusion magic, through spells such as hallucinatory forest and hallucinatory terrain.
  • Sandiraksiva was a great black courser, the offspring of the reincarnating purple dragon Gaumahavi. He was imprisoned by the Dalai Lama, but was later freed by Tuigan warriors who could not bear to see such a mighty steed in a cage.
  • Saerghon Alir was the service-mage at the Aurora's Emporium branch in the Sea Ward of Waterdeep. A pompous and arrogant man with a flair for dramatic entrances, his duties mainly involved teleporting in goods from the central warehouse.
  • Ali-bin-Jafar's Textiles was a shop specializing in fabrics, threads, and rare carpets in Skullport. Its proprietor adopted the name "Ali-bin-Jafar" as a marketing ploy; his real name was Bertrem Thinwick.
  • The epic necromancy spell mummy dust let a caster evil mummies. One variant of the spell summoned only a single mummy, but in return it was a more powerful, katana-wielding sort.
  • Ashenwights were undead that arose from bodies corrupted by the Far Realm whilst consumed by feelings of cruelty and rage. While mostly feral, certain ashenwights developed psionic abilities and regained a degree of sentience.

Featured Image


Well met, traveler! This wiki covers the rich and popular Forgotten Realms campaign setting for Dungeons & Dragons from TSR, Inc. and Wizards of the Coast, including Realmslore from the Oriental Adventures, Al-Qadim, Maztica, The Horde, Planescape, and Spelljammer settings, covering sourcebooks, novels, video games, comics, and more across all editions. See the aims and scope of this wiki here.

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Beware: This wiki does not provide spoiler warnings.


  • Classes—The myriad classes, kits, paragon paths, prestige classes, and epic destinies available to the people of the Forgotten Realms.
  • Spells—Selected spells with special relations to the Forgotten Realms.

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