Malabog was the king of the fomorian giants in the Feywild in the late 15th century DR. He ruled over his own personal domain from a castle that once belonged to the plane's benevolent fey creatures.[1]
During his campaign of conquest, Malabog came into possession of an orb of dragonkind, a powerful item that granted him dominion over the blue dragon Fulminorax.[1]
Malabog wielded a powerful sword that was shattered after his defeat, the remains of which were scattered within his castle. The weapon fragments were believed to still hold lingering fomorian magic and could be used to forge powerful weapons.[1]
The fomorian giant-king commanded an army of dark fey that wholly committed themselves to his goals. It comprised hordes of redcaps and quicklings along with groups of powerful cyclops warriors. The dark fey army was led by fomorian generals, aided by dark magic provided by a coven of fomorian witches, and their leader Magra Curse-Eye.[1]
Malabog's greatest ally was his black knight and head general, the disgraced elven sentinel Celadaine. Celadaine once stood as a stalwart foe of the Gloaming Court before his mind was perverted with dark fomorian magic.[1]
Malabog was a powerful fomorian giant in the Feywild who at some point became the king of his race. He established his court in a fallen fey castle, served by a cadre of loyal fomorian warriors and started to expand his dominion.[1]
Malabog decided to enslave the elves of New Sharandar and take over the Fey Crossing portal to launch an invasion on the Prime Material Plane. With this objective in mind, Malabog allied himself with the lich Valindra Shadowmantle of Toril.[1]
Circa the Year of the Ageless One, 1479 DR, the Iliyanbruen elves recruited adventurers from Neverwinter to stop the foul fomorian king. The Heroes of Sleeping Dragon Bridge defeated the fomorian army and sieged Malabog's Castle, putting a stop to Malabog's campaign and slaying the giant king.[1]
- Video Games
External Links[]
- Malabog article at the Neverwinter Wiki, a wiki for the Dungeons and Dragons: Neverwinter MMORPG.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Cryptic Studios (August 2013). Neverwinter: Fury of the Feywild. Perfect World Entertainment.