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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Mangee was a board game played with a set of ten enchanted jade figurines that originated from the land of Shou Lung in Kara-Tur.[1]


Mangee used a ten-sided board to play the game and needed a full set of twenty-five pieces. Each game piece was an expertly carved jade figurine of a creature, and each was enchanted with alteration, enchantment, and conjuration magics and was valued at 500 gold pieces. The figurines' magic could only be used if all the pieces were assembled together, and no divination sorcery could reveal the magic before the set was completed.[1]

Some of the jade figurines were: a dragon, a lion, an eagle, a monkey, and a bear.[1]


The origins of Mangee were obscure but traceable to the Empire of Shou Lung in Kara-Tur, long before the 14th century DR. An incomplete set of figurines was recovered in the mid-to-late 14th century DR by a band of heroes of the Living City. The Mangee statuettes were hidden in a cave in the mountains on the Vast inhabited by deadly creatures like chimerae and manticores.[1]


See Also[]


Organized Play & Licensed Adventures


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Jim Alan (June 1998). Night of the Lunar Eclipse. Living City (RPGA), p. 15.