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Mardasper Oblyndrin was a wizard and a Guardian of Moonshorn Tower of the mid–8th century DR.[1]


He was middling in age, handsome, with sharp sideburns and raven-black hair. His eyes were deep brown, but one of them was white and glowing, like a blazing star, which never closed.[1]


He liked to daydream at length,[2] and sometimes drank hard drinks, despite the fact that any day in which hard drink passed through his lips was not a day counted toward his service to the tower.[1]


One spell he wielded was shatterstar. His accursed eye could see things that even detecting spells missed, and his Guardianship afforded him control over the wards of Moonshorn.[2] His magic proved insufficient to break the spell upon his eye.[1] He was loath to engage in spell duels, even against lesser foes.[3]


As the Guardian of Moonshorn Tower, he was granted use of the Lady Scepter and a matching diadem, which had an eyepiece suitable for covering his odd eye.[3]


As of early spring in 761 DR, Mardasper had been the guardian of Moonshorn Tower for two years. All entered were to work no magic unbidden and to surrender all written or embodied magic to him. Their possessions would be returned upon leaving.[1]


He dealt at a distance with Tabarast and Beldrune, two scholars at the Tower.[4][5]


Mardasper was cursed with his blazing eye after or during a spell duel.[5] Furthermore, Mardasper had been witness to the previous guardian of Moonshorn being disintegrated after mishandling the Lady Scepter.[3]

In the Year of the Missing Blade, 759 DR, Mardasper Oblyndrin began his guardianship of Moonshorn Tower; he was promised that upon completion of four years of service, the spell upon his eye would be broken by the priests of Mystra. Two years later, in the Year of Laughter, 761 DR, he greeted Elminster Aumar, an undercover Chosen of Mystra, upon his passage through Moonshorn Tower.[1]

Later that evening, Ilbryn Starym crossed the doors of Moonshorn Tower, and refused to comply with any of the Guardian's instructions; when he asked about Elminster's name in the visitor's log, Mardasper told him that the man had already left. Trying to regain some dignity, Mardasper offered to leave a message for Elminster, should he ever return. Ilbryn accepted; however, Mardasper suspected that had gone badly. Retreating to his office, he asked Mystra for a sign while uncorking a dusty bottle he'd hidden behind three voluminous tomes. The sign he received, if any, was the cork slamming itself back into the bottle so violently that it drew blood from his fingers. Mardasper remained unsure if that was a good or bad sign.[3]

Mardasper was watching from the top of the tower when the wards warned him of uncontrolled power, shortly after, as the Slayer burst into the tower. Though Mardasper wasn't able to spot the entity even with the wards, he suspected that it was inside, and sealed the doors before walking up into the collection. Peering through the keyhole, he spotted the misty entity drinking the power from the assorted enchanted trinkets there. He burst through the door casting a shatterstar spell, but despite it being sufficient for targeting the ghostly creature, it endured the attack and responded with an acidic spell that slew him.[2]



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