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Master Pao was a Lesser Immortal of the Celestial Empire. Pao dwelled on Mount Yei in the Spirit World.[1][2][note 1]

According to tradition, in ancient times, during the Age of Red Earth, Master Pao crafted the Ivory Chain of Pao. It was gifted to the Nine Emperors as a symbol of their unity and the harmony of the peoples of the empire they ruled jointly.[1][2]



The word "pao" means "panther" in the Shou language and appears in a name of the Black Leopard, "Hei Te Pao". It appears therefore that the Ivory Chain was originally named for the Black Leopard before the introduction of Master Pao in Book of Artifacts. In-universe, it may be that Master Pao is an invented legend or is the Black Leopard himself.


  1. The location of Mount Yei is unknown. It assumed to lie in the Spirit World because of the association with the Celestial Empire.


  1. 1.0 1.1 David "Zeb" Cook (December 1993). Book of Artifacts. (TSR, Inc), pp. 46–47. ISBN 978-1560766728.
  2. 2.0 2.1 slade et al (December 1994). Encyclopedia Magica Volume I. (TSR, Inc.), pp. 272–273. ISBN 1560768428.