Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

The Maze Engine was a powerful artifact capable of reshaping reality itself. Modrons called it The Orderer, as its function was to bring order to chaos. It resembled an enormous working model of the Great Wheel.[1]


As it was capable of altering the fabric of reality, its possible uses were virtually infinite. Some examples of its effects included destroying magical items, transporting creatures back in time, restoring the dead to life, summoning extraplanar beings such as slaads, creating gemstones, casting the disintegrate spell, playing music, and more.[1]

Once activated, it could be shut down by a successful dispel magic spell or by coming into contact with an antimagic field.[1]


The Maze Engine lay deep within the Labyrinth in the Northdark, and was sought by the beholder Karazikar after the creature learned about it from a captured modron.[2]

Circa 1486 DR, the Maze Engine became damaged when a chasm opened up beneath it. Soon after, it was found by the demon lord Baphomet. He subsequently put the nalfeshnee Slaughtertusk to guard it while he went hunting for his rival, Yeenoghu.[1]



Out of the Abyss
Video Games
Neverwinter (The Maze Engine)

