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Mentor Wintercloak was a mysterious human archmage who lived for some time in Myth Drannor in Cormanthyr.


He was a close ally of Alais Dree.[6]


Mentor was born in the Year of Old Danger, 219 DR.[1] He lived for many years in the city of Myth Drannor whilst being perfectly disguised as an elf. He only revealed himself in the Year of Soaring Stars, 261 DR, for the creation of the mythal of Myth Drannor, offering his help in the creation.[2]

As a member of the Incanists' Society, Mentor helped found and direct the Incanistaeum magic school. In the Year of Austere Ceremonies, 667 DR, he was the only human member of the early Council of Twelve.[3]

From 426 DR to 440 DR Mentor tutored the young Khelben Arunsun (at that time still unnamed).[4] In the Year of the Hunting Ghosts, 659 DR, Mentor also tutored the young Uthgardt mage Tulrun.[5] During this period, Mentor was believed to have collected new spells created by his apprentices in a tome titled The Wizards' Workbook[7], which found its way into the possession of the wizard Flamsterd of the Moonshaes, who scribed a copy for his friend Elminster.[8]

However, in the Year of the Howling, 682 DR, Mentor, together with the Masked and their four gnomes apprentices, left the city.[9]

In the Year of Lightning Storms, 1374 DR, he was among the many powerful mages alongside Tulrun as his former student Khleben Arunsun brought them together to cleanse part of the High Moor and restore Faer'tel'miir, a lost city of Miyeritar.[10]



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