Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Monster Manual III is an accessory for the 3.5th-edition of Dungeons & Dragons® ruleset.

Encounter additional adversaries and allies

Lairing within these pages is an unstoppable wave of creatures ranging from ambush drake to zezir. A menagerie of beasts, behemoths and other ferocious beings, the monsters presented here are well prepared to battle or befriend the characters of any campaign.

This supplement for the D&D game offers a fully illustrated array of new creatures such as the boneclaw, eldritch giant, and web golem. Also included are advanced versions of some monsters as well as tactics sections to help DMs effectively run more complex creatures. Additionally, many entries contain information about where monsters are likely to appear in the Forgotten Realms and Eberron campaign settings.


  • Introduction
  • Monsters A to Z
  • Monster Feats
  • Glossary
  • Templates
  • Animal Companions or Mounts


Monster Manual III is the first of the monster specific books to be made for the 3.5th-edition ruleset. It cites sources from Dragon, Manual of the Planes, Planes of Law, and the first edition of Fiend Folio.


Click here for page index

Alchemical golemAmbush drakeAncient night twistArcane oozeArmandAstral stalkerAvalancherBattlebriarBearhoundBoar topiary guardianBoneclawBonedrinkerBrood keeperBrood keeper larva swarmCadaver collectorChangelingCharnel houndCheliceraChilling fogChraalChrysalisCinder swarmConflagration oozeDeath shriekerDemon, arrowDemon, sorrowswornDinosaur, battletitanDinosaur, bloodstrikerDinosaur, fleshrakerDinosaur, swindlespitterDracotaurDragon eelDread blossom swarmDread harpoon spiderDrownedDust wightElder odopiElder redcapElemental, stormElite demon war mountEphemeral swarmFeral yowlerFiendish rage drakeGeriviarGiant, deathGiant, eldritchGiant, sandGlaistigGlitterfireGloom golemGnoll, flindGoatfolk (Ibixian)Goblin, ForestkithGolemGreater cadaver collectorGreater seryulinGreater shadesteel golemGreater siege crabGreater ssvaklorGrimweirdGrisgolGulgarHangman golemHarpoon spiderHarssafHorrific vasuthantInfernal conflagration oozeIronclad maulerJusticatorKenkuKnell beetleLesser bonedrinkerLesser knell beetleLhoshLion topiary guardianLiving blasphemyLiving spellLizardfolk, BlackscaleLizardfolk, Poison DuskLumiLurking stranglerMastodonMindshredderMindshredder LarvaMindshredder warriorMindshredder zenthalMivilornMud golemNecronautNecrothaneNeedletooth swarmNight twistNycterOdopiOgre, skullcrusherOmnimentalOtyugh, lifeleechPetalPhoelarchPhoeraPlague brushPlague spewerPrismatic golemProtean scourgeQuaraphonRage drakeRagewalkerRakshasa, Ak'chazarRakshasa, NaztharuneRedcapRejkarRoper, prismaticRot reaverRune houndSalt mummySea tigerSeryulinShadesteel golemShifterShimmerling swarmShredstormShrieking terrorSickening sleepSiege crabSkindancerSlaughterstone behemothSlaughterstone evisceratorSnowflake oozeSpellwarped creatureSpellwarped ettinSplinterwaifSsvaklorStonesingerSummoning oozeSussurusSwamp strider swarmTen-headed terrorThornTopiary guardianTriceratops topiary guardianTrillochTroll, caveTroll, crystallineTroll, forestTroll, mountainTroll, warVasuthantVermin lordVisilightVoidmind creatureVoidmind grimlockWarbound impaler (lesser battlebriarWarforgedWarforged chargerWarforged scoutWeb golemWitchknifeWood woadWoodlingWoodling druidWoodling monitor lizardYugoloth, canolothYugoloth, mezzolothYugoloth, nycalothYugoloth, ultrolothZezir



  • Designers: Rich Burlew, Eric Cagle, Jesse Decker, Andrew J. Finch, Gwendolyn F.M. Kestrel, Rich Redman, Matthew Sernett, Chris Thomasson, P. Nathan Toomey
  • Additional Design: Keith Baker, Andy Collins, Bruce R. Cordell, James Jacob, David Noonan, Christopher Perkins, Mike Selinker, Bill Slavicsek, James Wyatt
  • Development Team: Andy Collins, Andrew J. Finch, Ed Stark
  • Editors: Greg Collins, John D. Rateliff, Gary Sarli
  • Proofreader: Christopher Lindsay
  • Managing Editors: Gwendolyn F.M. Kestrel, Kim Mohan
  • Design Manager: Christopher Perkins
  • Development Manager: Andrew J. Finch
  • Director of RPG R&D: Bill Slavicsek
  • Art Director: Robert Raper
  • Cover Art: Henry Higginbotham
  • Interior Artists: Dave Allsop, David Bircham, Matt Cavotta, Wayne England, Emily Fiegenschuh, Rafa Garres, Ralph Horsley, Frazer Irving, Rom Lemen, Howard Lyon, Leslie Minnis, Dean Ormston, Lucio Parrillo, Steve Prescott, Vinod Rams, Adam Rex, Wayne Reynolds, Anne Stokes, Mark Tedin, Francis Tsai, Franz Vohwinkel, Anthony Waters, Jonathan Wayshak, Sam Wood, James Zhang
  • Graphic Designer: Robert Raper
  • Graphic Production Specialist: Erin Dorries
  • Image Technicians: Candice Baker
  • Production Manager: Josh Fischer


External Links[]

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the following links do not necessarily represent the views of the editors of this wiki, nor does any lore presented necessarily adhere to established canon.


  1. Wizards of the Coast. Product Spotlight: Monster Manual III. Retrieved on 2007-06-06.

