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Monster Mythology is a 2nd-edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons accessory.

Maglubiyet... Blibdoolpoolp... Diinkarazan... Panzuriel... Such names are whispered in the dark on the far side of midnight, or muttered fearfully around jugs of wine when old, scarred adventurers tell their tales. They are the unseen, unknown things worshiped by monsters and monstrosities. Learn all about the avatars and shamans of giants, goblins, the Underdark, even illithids and beholders, in this expansion of the popular Legends & Lore.


Monster Mythology is the 4th book in the Dungeon Master's Guide Rules series and details the gods of the non-human races and various monsters.

The introductory section of the book delineates the central motif, focusing on deities beyond the human realm. It furnishes an overview on the incorporation of deities within a narrative campaign, elucidating their ubiquitous abilities and categorizing them into a hierarchical structure spanning four levels of potency: from Demigod to Greater God.

The bulk of the accessory is dedicated to 131 divine entities, organized into eight segments based on differing mythologies. For each deity, the text provides a comprehensive description, game-related statistics (including the deity's alignment, the prevalent alignment among its followers, its domain of influence, and its emblem). Additionally, each segment offers insights into the deity's avatars and its clergy.

The first appendix offers additional guidance on the development of avatars within the gameplay, covering various scenarios such as the avatar's potential abode, instances where it might become a patron to a group of adventurers or elect an adventurer as a companion, situations necessitating rescue, the loss of a magical item, requirements for discovery by player characters, or scenarios where the avatar develops an affection for a mortal character.

The second appendix provides references for Dungeon Masters seeking detailed information on the deities specific to the game worlds within Advanced Dungeons & Dragons.


  • Chapter 1: Introduction
  • Chapter 2: Gods of the Demihumans
  • Chapter 3: Goblinoid Deities
  • Chapter 4: Gods of the Underdark
  • Chapter 5: Gods of the Giants
  • Chapter 6: Gods of the Seas and Skies
  • Chapter 7: Gods of the Scaly Folk
  • Chapter 8: Gods of the Dark Folk
  • Chapter 9: The Sylvan Gods
  • Appendix 1: Avatars in Game Play
  • Appendix 2: Deities and Game Worlds



Elven deities
CorellonSehanine MoonbowAerdrie FaenyaErevan IlesereFenmarel MestarineHanali CelanilLabelas EnorethSolonor ThelandiraDeep Sashelas
Dwarven deities
MoradinBerronar TruesilverClangeddin SilverbeardDugmaren BrightmantleDumathoinMuamman DuathalVergadainAbbathorLaduguerDiirinkaDiinkarazan
Gnomish deities
Garl GlittergoldBaervan WildwandererBaravar CloakshadowFlandal SteelskinGaerdal IronhandSegojan EarthcallerUrdlenCallarduran Smoothhands
Halfling deities
YondallaArvoreenBrandobarisCyrrollaleeSheela PeryroylUrogalan
Orcish deities
Goblinoid deities
MaglubiyetKhurgorbaeyagNomog-GeayaBargrivyekHruggekGrankhulSkiggaretStalker (demigod)
Kobold deities
Drow deities
The Lost Gods
GhaunadaurJuiblexThe Dark God
Giant deities
Annam All-FatherStronmausHiateaGrolantorIallanisKarontorMemnorSkoraeus StonebonesDiancastraKostchtchie
Draconic deities
Lycanthrope deities
The Seelie Court
TitaniaOberonCaoimhinDamhEachthighernEmmantiensienFionnghualaNathair SgiathachSkerritSquelaicheVerenestra
Other deities
MeriadarIlsensineMaanzecorianPsilofyrGreat MotherGzemnidGorellikEadroJazirianKorielPanzurielPersanaQuorlinnRemnisSekolahSurminareSyranitaTrishinaWater LionStillsongBlibdoolpoolpLaogzedMerrshaulkParrafaireRamenosSemuanyaShekinesterCegiluneKanchelsisMellifleurQueen of Air and Darkness
Demon lords
Great heros
GerdregGnarldan SteelshieldKaldair SwiftfootLafarallinNebelun



  • Writer: Carl Sargent
  • Editor: Scott Haring
  • Illustration: Terry Dykstra
  • Color Illustration: John and Laura Lakey, Keith Parkinson
  • Typography: Gaye O'Keefe
  • Production: Sarah Feggestad


See Also[]

External links[]

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the following links do not necessarily represent the views of the editors of this wiki, nor does any lore presented necessarily adhere to established canon.


  1. Shannon Appelcline. DMGR4 Monster Mythology (2e). Dungeon Masters Guild. Retrieved on 2013-11-13.