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The Monument of the Ancients was a step-pyramid structure located in an overgrown hollow of the Frozen Forest, in far north Faerûn, that towered above the surrounding trees.[1]


The monument was constructed of arcane, stone-like, and metallic materials that were not native to Toril and were even considered exotic to the plane of Elemental Chaos. The properties of these materials rendered the structure seemingly impervious to the effects of time.[1]


Within the monument there was an antechamber that contained another, smaller pyramid. Within this inner pyramid was a large artifact known as the Anchor of Chaos. It was believed to seal the cosmic fissure between dimensions while active.[1]


It is unknown who originally raised the monument, but ancient myths claimed that it dated from the time of the First Flowering.[1]

In the Year of Endless Song, −489 DR, the Netherese become involved in the Seven Sigils War. Soon after, their wizards deliberately compromised the Anchor so as to allow ancient primordials access into Toril, hoping that they would act as their allies in the conflict.[2]

In the Year of Bruins, −371 DR, after a century of savage conflict, the Netherese managed to banish nearly all of the extra-planar beings that were involved in the war. But Maram of the Great Spear managed to escape banishment and fled into the wilderness of northern Faerun and back to the Monument. Once at the Frozen Forest, Maram easily conquered the local primitive human tribes. They soon took to worshiping the primordial as a god and it gathered what power it could in the region.[1]

In the Year of Sycophants, −357 DR, the Dark Three led a large coalition of peoples from across the lands north of the Moonsea to confront the primordial. They managed to vanquish Maram and reseal the Anchor of Chaos, but at an enormous cost.[3]

In the Year of Deep Water Drifting, 1480 DR, another attempt was made by Maram and its herald Pyricus to reopen the elemental fissure, but they were again thwarted by a band of heroes.[4]

Myths & Rumors[]

Under the World Axis cosmology, it was believed to have magically protected a region of the world where the boundary between Toril and the Elemental Chaos was weak.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Brian R. James and Matt James (September 2009). “Monument of the Ancients”. In Chris Youngs ed. Dungeon #170 (Wizards of the Coast) (170)., p. 48.
  2. Brian R. James, Ed Greenwood (September 2007). The Grand History of the Realms. Edited by Kim Mohan, Penny Williams. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 43. ISBN 978-0-7869-4731-7.
  3. Brian R. James and Matt James (September 2009). “Monument of the Ancients”. In Chris Youngs ed. Dungeon #170 (Wizards of the Coast) (170)., pp. 48–49.
  4. Brian R. James and Matt James (September 2009). “Monument of the Ancients”. In Chris Youngs ed. Dungeon #170 (Wizards of the Coast) (170)., pp. 47–82.