Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

The Moon Plague was an outbreak of lycanthropy that struck Calimport in the Year of the White Jonquil, 701 DR.[1][2]


People in Calimport transformed into a variety of lycanthropes, with wereboars, weretigers, and werewolves being most common.[1]


The plague started after three weretigers and two werewolves entered the city. Through the 14th century DR, it remained unknown what had drawn these lycanthropes to the city.[1]

The Moon Plague lasted through the months of Tarsakh and Mirtul of 701 DR. Following the full moon in Mirtul, many of the lycanthropes depart the city for the Shaar and Tashalar apparently to continue spreading their affliction. Several lycanthropes remain in Calimport Muzad beneath the city's streets.[1][2]


