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Morninggold was the easternmost county of Tethyr, located within the Golden Marches.[1]


County Morninggold was located in the western foothills of the Kuldin Peaks and was bordered in the north and west by the Shining Stream and in the south by the Idolflow and its tributary, the Levast River. Its neighboring counties were Valashar, Hazamarch, and Surkazar.[2] During the time of the Tethyrian Interregnum, one of its many baronies was named Pundaria.[3]


From 1362 DR, the county was ruled, until the end of the Tethyrian Interregnum, by Zaranda Star. When she became queen of all Tethyr in 1369 DR,[4] power over the county passed to Aalangama Gulderhorn, who was also Title Chancellor of the kingdom. However, her power over the region was not strong, and at times it seemed that the monster races of the area—gnolls, ogres, and trolls—had more control.[1]


The county, which used to belong to the Gulderhorn family, was purchased from the Order of the Silver Chalice in 1362 DR by Zaranda Star.[1][note 1]

The order was nearly wiped out during the First Siege of Myratma. To reward them for their service to Tethyr, after her ascension as queen, Zaranda restored the lands to a surviving member of the Gulderhorns and of the order, Aalangama.[5]

Notable Locations[]

Morninggold Keep
This was the estate of Zaranda Star during her time as countess and afterward the county seat for Aalangama Gulderhorn.[1]
Mount Noblesse
This manor was the headquarters of the Order of the Silver Chalice.[1]



  1. The dating details provided in "The Reclamation Wars" section of the "Tethyr" booklet of the Lands of Intrigue boxed set, beginning on p. 39, are not self-consistent concerning the timing of Zaranda Star's time as countess of Morninggold. Page 39 claims that Zaranda purchased the county and its keep in the Year of the Wave, which is 1364 DR. This conflicts with p. 88 of the same book, which says that the year of purchase was the Year of the Helm, 1362 DR.
    She is said to have spent a significant amount of time in that first year of purchase, at least, refurbishing the keep. It then states that at the end of 1366 DR, "she embarked on a mercantile career" in Unther and Thay. This conflicts both with the novel War in Tethyr and with the very next sentence, which says that she returned to Tethyr, again, in the Year of the Wave. She couldn't possibly return before she even left, and War in Tethyr is very clear that she actually returned to Tethyr in Mirtul, the 5th month, of 1366.
    The remaining paragraphs are consistent both with the novel and with the rest of the sourcebook.
    We thus assume that the actual purchase was made in 1362, as stated on p. 88. Perhaps she left for the east at the end of the Year of the Wave, 1364, not 1366. She must have returned at the beginning of 1366, in the month of Mirtul.




  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Steven E. Schend (August 1997). “Book One: Tethyr”. In Roger E. Moore ed. Lands of Intrigue (TSR, Inc.), p. 88. ISBN 0-7869-0697-9.
  2. Steven E. Schend (1997). Lands of Intrigue: Book One: Tethyr (back cover). (TSR, Inc.). ISBN 0-7869-0697-9.
  3. Victor Milán (October 1995). War in Tethyr. (TSR, Inc), chap. 4. ISBN 0-7869-0184-5.
  4. Steven E. Schend (August 1997). “Book One: Tethyr”. In Roger E. Moore ed. Lands of Intrigue (TSR, Inc.), p. 82. ISBN 0-7869-0697-9.
  5. Steven E. Schend (August 1997). “Book One: Tethyr”. In Roger E. Moore ed. Lands of Intrigue (TSR, Inc.), p. 10. ISBN 0-7869-0697-9.

