Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Morningstars of vigilance were enchanted bludgeons, used in the late 15th century DR across northwest Faerûn.[1]


These morning stars were massive weapons that had to be wielded in both hands, as opposed to their more mundane and smaller kin. Despite their unwieldiness, these weapons were enchanted to sharpen its wielder's reaction time. They also possessed +2 and +3 enchantments that guided the weapons to the targets and made the damage more deadly. Each successful attack with these morning stars resulted in a discharge of harmful radiant magic.[1]


By the late 15th century DR, morningstars of vigilances were wielded by some lucky individuals and evil villains on the Sword Coast North. One of these morning stars belonged to Dazuur, an undead commander wight who used the ruins of Illefarn as its lair, another was in the possessions of Thayan agents in the Neverwinter Wood, one was wielded by cultists of an eye of flame in Neverwinter, and lastly, another morningstars of vigilance could be found in a horde of an adult white dragon who menaced the plains between the old Phandalin mines and Conyberry.[1]



Video Games
Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes of Neverwinter

