Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Morudel was the husband of hero Arelin Starbrow, the Roadwarden of the Roadwarden Guard, stationed in the Skull Crag Keep in the Storm Horn Mountains of Cormyr in the 14th century DR.[1]


Morudel and Arelin sired four children, all members of the Roadwarden Guard: heroic Vidruand, bloodthirsty Yemandra, unreliable Dazmilar, and kind Kallithrea.[1]


In the early 1360s DR, Arelin Starbrow was killed along the High Road, ambushed by a monster horde. Her body was retrieved by valorous Sir Dutiocs. However, the Arms of the Roadwarden, the enchanted set of weapons and armor that symbolized the office, were lost to the monster attackers. Morudel was summoned from Marsember to help decide who would take over the duties of the Roadwarden. Morudel was an old man and could not take up the sword due to his old age, and none of his children seemed to be ready or wanted the responsibility. But first thing first. The Arms of the Roadwarden had to be recovered, and Morudel tasked his children with it. Luckily, a group of caravan guards, who earlier aided Sir Dutiocs in battle, agreed to assist Yemandra, Dazmilar, and Kallithrea.[1]

Subsequently, as the Arms of the Roadwarden were being recovered, Morudel fell under the sway of a vampire villain named Keremish. The aging knight was kidnapped and dragged away to a ruined halfling village to the southwest from Skull Crag, across the Tunlands. The vampire and his people were holding Morudel hostage, demanding the Arms of the Roadwarden, in return for his life. Sir Dutiocs and Morudel's children attempted to buy time negotiating while the caravan guard adventurers set out to retrieve him, eventually returning victorious.[1]



