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Nagaflow Keep was a fortress located on the southern stretch of the Nagaflow river between the Lake of Steam and the Vilhon Reach.[1]


It was strategically located on an overlooking hill near the bridge of the Golden Road as it passed over the Nagaflow.[1]

The area around the keep was still very much wild untamed land when it was built, with monsters inhabiting it. The workmen were attacked by giant frogs from the Nagaflow river during its construction.[3]


Ransar Osorkon of Innarlith decided to build a keep on the southern part of the Nagaflow river in order to keep better watch on the area.[4] Construction of the keep began in Mirtul of the Year of Maidens, 1361 DR. The main architect of the project was Ivar Devorast, but because he began construction of the keep without permission from Senator Inthelph, the Master Builder of Innarlith, he was dismissed from the site before its completion.[1]

Later, when Osorkon sent Devorast to carry out the digging of a canal that would connect the Nagaflow to the Lake of Steam, the Nagaflow Keep was chosen as the endpoint of the northern end of the canal and it was used as a base by Devorast and the workmen in the project.[5]




  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Philip Athans (October 2005). Whisper of Waves. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 24. ISBN 0-7869-3237-6.
  2. Map included in Philip Athans (June 2007). Scream of Stone. (Wizards of the Coast). ISBN 0-7869-4271-1.
  3. Philip Athans (October 2005). Whisper of Waves. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 23. ISBN 0-7869-3237-6.
  4. Philip Athans (October 2005). Whisper of Waves. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 21. ISBN 0-7869-3237-6.
  5. Philip Athans (September 2006). Lies of Light. (Wizards of the Coast), chaps. 24, 35. ISBN 0-7869-3237-6.