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Nelnar Orthwood was the head of the noble Orthwood family in Cormyr in the early 1200s DR. The family lost their noble status when Nelnar was murdered by his son, Nars in the Year of the Wall, 1227 DR.[1]


Nelnar did not have a beard or a mustache, but had long brown hair that matched any young woman's hair in the style of the time. His eyes were light blue. He was usually seen with a bemused smile on his face and often took sips of sherry from a flask he kept on his belt.[1]


He was a quiet man, not given to outbursts. Under his leadership, the family's influence was on the rise before it was tragically lost because of treachery.[1]


Nelnar was married to Freeyel and they had three children. Nars was the son and heir, and his two sisters were Taeronissa and Imroserel.[1]


Nelnar was one of the witnesses to the disappearance of Waevor's Wagon—a carriage filled with silver pieces intended for paying the salaries of the Purple Dragons. He was one of a delegation of nobles that were on a mission to escort an important Sembian trade envoy to Immersea. While camping for the night on the road, the stolen wagon streaked through the camp without lights or outriders, killing fellow nobles Elbryn Scatterstars and Tharim Roaringhorn. Orngrym Cormaeril mounted his horse and gave chase while Nelnar directed the huntsman Ardagast Falconhand to try and intercept the fleeing vehicle. Neither of the pursuers were able to stop the wagon from disappearing into the night.[1]

Later that same year, Nelnar discovered that his son Nars was plotting against King Dhalmass Obarskyr. The confrontation, either deliberate or accidental, resulted in Nelnar being stabbed to death by Nars. This act of patricide effectively ended the nobility of the Orthwoods. The Crown seized the Orthwood estate and possessions to pay off the family's debts but Nelnar's widow and daughters were allowed to live in a house on government land east of the Starwater River and given an adequate stipend on which to live.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Ed Greenwood (March 2001). “The New Adventures of Volo: Lost Treasures of Cormyr, Part 4”. In Dave Gross ed. Dragon #281 (Wizards of the Coast), p. 78.