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Nerndel was a mage of Myth Drannor and the tutor of Tarth Hornwood.[1]


He was known to Elminster Aumar.[2]


Around the year 660 DR, Nerndel came to be owed six services by Nimra Ninehands. His first service was to make her train him in the Art; his second service was to bind her in the form of a magical staff. Though he meant to woo her later, Elminster Aumar stole the relevant spells from his mind for the binding, and made Nimra's binding irreversible until several beasts she'd bound, which her own binding had released, had been eliminated.[1]

In the mid-14th century DR, Nerndel, now wracked with advanced age, picked his heir in art to be Tarth Hornwood, and bequeathed upon him the staff. He died sometime prior to 1360 DR.[2][3]



Elminster in Hell


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Ed Greenwood (August 2001). Elminster in Hell. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 15, pp. 232–234. ISBN 0-7869-1875-6.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Ed Greenwood (August 2001). Elminster in Hell. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 15, p. 225. ISBN 0-7869-1875-6.
  3. Ed Greenwood (August 2001). Elminster in Hell. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. Realmslore, p. 2. ISBN 0-7869-1875-6.