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The nether orb was a magical crystal orb used by the forces of the Empire of Shade in the mid-1480s DR.[1][note 1]

Some more devious Netherese Wizard discovered how to syphon the life energies of his enemies and convert it into magical energies. Some called him mad. Some called him brilliant. The rest called him careless for allowing this ability to only function by touch.[1]


The orb was carved from crystal that had a deep purple color.[1]


The orb's primary use was in stealing life force from an injured victim and giving it to the wielder as magical energy. Thus, a caster could remain refreshed as long as they could keep physically striking a target. Less obviously, it granted a measure of protection against all sorts of hostile effects, especially elemental threats, and made the wielder's spells a little more deadly.[1]


The orb was used by Netherese forces led by the arcanist Shai when she and Archwizard Amskar captured the meddling Oriphaun Huntsilver at Yarrow Glade in the Storm Horns. The ambush was broken by Oriphaun's allies, who defeated Shai and her group, and captured the orb in the process.[1]



  1. Menace of the Underdark (including Web of Chaos) is dated to the period of 14841485 DR, as it references the ongoing Darkening. Shadowfell Conspiracy (including Disciples of Shadow, Shadow Under Thunderholme, The Druid's Deep, and The High Road of Shadows) are dated to the same period, as they are stated to take place at roughly the same time as Menace of the Underdark.


