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Forgotten Realms Wiki

New Leaf was a small but prosperous settlement on the Neverwinter River that traded in rare species of zalantar wood in the late 14th century DR.[1]


New Leaf was built in the foothills of Mount Hotenow, along the western bank of the Neverwinter River. A science waterfall was just northeast from the village, and a single sturdy bridge crossed the river immediately to the east from New Leaf. Up the cliff to the north stood a strange foreign temple ruin. And an abandoned mine taken over by the duergar circa 1374 DR could be found across the Neverwinter River past the bridge.[1]


New Leaf's main industry was logging and woodwork, exporting zalantar. The Merchant's Friend – goddess Waukeen was the town's primary religion.[1]


In the Year of Lightning Storms, 1374 DR, New Leaf may have established trade relations with neighboring towns, including the city of Neverwinter via the merchant princess Sa'Sani and her Mercantile House.[1]

Notable Locations[]

  • New Leaf Tavern, an imaginatively-named spacious local tavern and an inn in the 14th century DR.[1]
  • Temple of Waukeen, a small chapel dedicated to the Merchant's Friend, the only temple in the 14th century DR.[1]



