The Nhalass Dynasty was the first dynasty to rule over the nation of Raumathar, reigning from -900 DR to -605 DR.[1]
- Arkhan Umathar I
- Reigned -900 DR – -867 DR. First Arkhan of Raumathar after uniting the tribes.
- Arkhan Umathar II
- Reigned -867 DR – -821 DR. Firstborn son of Umathar I.
- Arkhan Umathar III
- Reigned -821 DR – -799 DR. Firstborn son of Umathar II.
- Arkhan Umathar IV
- Reigned -799 DR – -780 DR. Firstborn son of Umathar III.
- Arkhan Darthen I
- Reigned -780 DR – -749 DR. Secondborn son of Umathar III.
- Arkhan Shendar
- Reigned -749 DR – -700 DR. Firstborn son and sole heir of Darthen I.
- Arkhan Darthen II
- Reigned -700 DR – -691 DR. Firstborn son of Shendar.
- Arkhan Umathar V
- Reigned -691 DR – -662 DR. Firstborn son of Darthen II.
- Arkhan Rhendar I
- Reigned -662 DR – -633 DR. Secondborn son of Umathar V.
- Arkhan Darthen III
- Reigned -633 DR – -610 DR. Firstborn son and sole heir of Rhendar I. Slain in battle during an invasion of Narfell.
- Arkhan Umathar VI
- Reigned -610 DR – -605 DR. Secondborn son of Darthen III.
- Arkhan Rhendar II
- Reigned -605 DR – -605 DR. Thirdborn son of Darthen III. Killed by demons of Narfell.
- Arkhan Tharen
- Reigned -605 DR – -605 DR. Fourth son of Darthen III. Killed by demons of Narfell.
- Arkhan Sharath
- Reigned -605 DR – -605 DR. Fifth son of Darthen III. Killed by demons of Narfell.
Family Tree[]
- ↑ Brian R. James, Ed Greenwood (September 2007). The Grand History of the Realms. Edited by Kim Mohan, Penny Williams. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 81. ISBN 978-0-7869-4731-7.
Nhalass Dynasty of Raumathar
Umathar I • Umathar II • Umathar III • Umathar IV • Darthen I • Shendar • Darthen II • Umathar V • Rhendar I • Darthen III • Umathar VI • Rhendar II • Tharren • Sharath