Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Nimbre was a small village in the nation of Samarach on the Chultan Peninsula.[1]


Nimbre effectively was a small cluster of several buildings and farms. The village was located deep inland on the south side of River Samar and northeast from Samargol.[1]

The hamlet's buildings encircled the main square, a small unpaved plaza with a gazebo that held a huge gong. A drinking water well was to the northern edge of Nimbre.[1]


The village existed on the product of the farmers' hard work, grains, corn, and others. One of the farmers of note bred sizable boars who acted as docile pigs unless they felt threatened. The boar farm was run for several generations by a single family.[1]


Nimbre map

A map showing the location of Nimbre in Samarach.

In the Year of Lightning Storms, 1374 DR, rumors started appearing that claimed that the villagers of Nimbre were corrupted by the much-hated and feared yuan-ti. Samarachan guards were dispatched to the village, led by a Captain of the Samarachan patrol. The arrested citizens were to be taken to the capital, where the guilt was to be confirmed with extreme prejudice, even though the rumors were unfounded.[1]


In the late 14th century DR, the town's small population consisted of commoners, humble farmers, and a single merchant, patronized by Lady Kureen of Samargol. The village had its own Loremaster who resided in the largest house in Nimbre. Haldric, the Loremaster was a middle-aged human monk with skin withered by the sun. His home was filled with bookshelves. [1]



Video Games
Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir

