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Amhir[note 1] Oadif el Wajin was a half-elf officer of el Amlakkar in the naval town of Teshburl in Calimshan.[1]


Oadif was an individual who truly wanted to see the best in his community. Unfortunately, he doubted that this was possible, because of all of the corruption in el Nallojal and in the sultan's government. Nevertheless, he wanted to do more to help others who were suffering.[1]


Oadif's best friend was Kanar el Ehrat, a clumsy hulk of a man known as "the Ox". As of 1370 DR, Oadif had no idea that the clumsiness was an act; Kanar was in fact the sixteenth Red Rysal and was contemplating asking Oadif to join him in the role, since the two men shared the same opinions on the state of their town. Kanar's only hesitation was that Oadif had no magical training, and at least one of the persons holding the role of Red Rysal was traditionally a wizard.[1]


Oadif was once named Kamal. He was one of the jhasinni of the bitter, old wife of Pasha Nadjar in the town of Volothamp. After suffering this abuse in the slave system of Calimshan, he escaped and fled all the way west. Throughout his youth (from the point of view of a half-elf) he took on many different guises, until he found himself with a new name as an officer in the town watch of Teshburl.[1]



  1. Amhir was usually a naval rank, not a rank of the Amlakkar. Perhaps because Teshburl was so navy-oriented, the Amlakkar there used naval ranks instead of land-based military ranks.

