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One Unwise Woman's Musings was a book penned by Meldreathe Myral, Sage of Selgaunt in 1377 DR.[1]

Trust not in tall towers, brimful vaults, and bright-armored guards. You can have all these, and wise alliances galore, too, and still fall to unchecked rumor. Never underestimate the wickedness of bored folk, or the spiteful, and those who feel slighted in some way. For the wagging tongue is a deadly sword that brings kings and emperors down with frightening speed.
— An excerpt from One Unwise Woman's Musings[1]


The tome was a collection of musings on several subjects, including the dangerous power of wild rumors that if left running amok could topple even the strongest and the richest.[1]



Death Masks


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Ed Greenwood (2016-06-07). Death Masks. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 3, p. 36. ISBN 0-7869-6593-2.