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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Princess Ophidia as-Sokkari was a lamia noble inhabiting the necropolis of Sokkar in 1367 DR.[note 1][1]


Ophidia was known to carry a wand of magic missiles, a ring of free action, a necklace of missiles, and several magical potions.[1]


Ophidia appeared as a stunningly beautiful human woman with jet black hair and dark eyes. The clothing she wore was dated compared to modern Zakharan fashion. If threatened, Ophida would reveal her true form as a lamia noble. Her body remained the same, but her legs transformed into the body of a black-and-golden-scaled serpent. No one who witnessed Ophidia's true form lived to tell the tale.[1]


Long before, when Sokkar was a sprawling metropolis, Ophidia was the city's crown princess. Instead of following tradition and marrying, she chose to take countless lovers, usually slaying them when she grew tired of their affections.[1]

One of these slain lovers, a man named Imnezzar, was the son of the most powerful priest in the city. Enraged by the death of his son, the priest cursed Ophidia to live for eternity as a wretched creature of the night until the day she could find a man to love her for her true self. Though Ophidia tortured the priest with the hopes of reversing the curse, the priest died screaming without doing so.[1]

Over the centuries of her existence, Ophidia continued to enter carnal relationships with adventurers who braved the ruins of Sokkar. Much to her dismay, all of these men were only interested in wealth and treasure.[1]


Ophidia despaired at finding her true love so spent most of her time playing melancholy tunes on her flute and even stopped taking lovers.[1]

She preferred to get what she wanted through persuasion and guile, resorting to violence only if her life was threatened.[1]



  1. Canon material does not provide dating for the Al-Qadim campaign setting. For the purposes of this wiki only, the current date for Al-Qadim products is assumed to be 1367 DR.

