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Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

An orc stone was a magic item that could be used to summon the spirit of an orc in battle.[1]


They were small stones carved with the symbol of an orc tribe, such as the Many-Arrows tribe.[1]


An orc stone could only be used and attuned to by a person to whom it had been gifted.[1]

On three occasions, an orc stone could be used to summon the spirit of an orc warrior or war chief,[1][2] which looked exactly as the orc had when they were alive.[2] The spirit would appear within 30 feet (9.1 meters) of the stone's wielder, and would fight on their behalf until it was destroyed or until ten minutes had passed. The spirit was able to speak the same language as the holder of the orc stone, and would obey their orders.[1]

After its third and final use, an orc stone crumbled into dust.[1]


One such orc stone was known to contain the spirit of Vokarr the Eyebiter, and found its way to Icewind Dale in the late 15th century DR.[2]

In rare cases, an orc stone might be given as a gift by a member of the Many-Arrows tribe to honor someone who had saved their life.[1] Such a stone would be recognizable by other members of the tribe, who might be willing to parlay with the holder of the stone (or at least with the spirit who inhabited the stone).[3]



