Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Orosul's scepters were Netherese power scepters capable of healing wounds and charging depleted magic items.[1]


Orosul's scepters were metal bars around 8 inches (20 centimeters) in length, terminated by small metal balls faceted like gems. Each scepter could be split in two, and the halves could subsequently be fused together again by having them touch each other.[1]


Complete scepters had several magic properties:[1]

  • They could recharge depleted magic items when staying in contact with them for several hours.[1]
  • They could heal wounds or regrow missing limbs when touching a creature for long enough. Healing simple wounds could take a couple of hours, whereas regrowing limbs could take up to a tenday.[1]
  • Scepters could release offensive magic blasts, usually using fire or lightning elements. Different scepters could produce different blasts, and the only way to determine the power of a specific scepter was to use it.[1]

When split, both halves of a scepter had limited powers, which allowed them to be made whole again:[1]

  • The half-scepter would glow with a blue-green hue when within 1 mile (1.6 kilometers) of its matching half.[1]
  • The metal ball would glow with a red hue when touching items or brought into areas bearing a dweomer.[1]


Because their original name was lost to the ages, these scepters were named after Orosul, a wizard who owned half a scepter and extensively studied it during the 14th century DR.[1]


A half of a scepter was said to be hidden under a cobblestone in Archenbridge, within sight of Orosul's Tower. The other half was for a time in possession of the dracolich Rauglothgor, before being brought to Zhentil Keep.[1]


