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Osorkon was the Ransar of the city-state of Innarlith for a period in the mid–14th century DR. He began the project to build a canal that would connect the Lake of Steam to the Sea of Fallen Stars. He was deposed and assassinated by Senator Salatis, who became the new Ransar after him.[1]


He had possession of a large number of crystal balls in his office in the Palace of Many Spires, which he used to spy on people throughout Innarlith. He also possessed a electric mace in his office too that he was proficient with.[2]


Osorkon hosted Midsummer revels in the second quarter of Innarlith for the elite of the city. He sometimes didn't attend the state ceremonies for when new senators were sworn into office.[3]


Osorkon had respect for the shipbuilder Fharaud even after the latter was disgraced following an accident with the Everwind, a ship that broke up in a portal before it could be delivered to its customer.[4]

Ivar Devorast was a Cormyrean engineer that was recommended to Osorkon by Fharaud on account of Devorast's idea to build a canal to connect the Lake of Steam to the Nagaflow. Osorkon approved the project and put Devorast in charge of it. He also helped Devorast with other things as well, including helping him to locate Phyrea, daughter of Senator Intelph. [5]


Osorkon engaged in several building projects during his tenure as the city-state's Ransar. He ordered construction of the Nagaflow Keep on the southern edge of the Nagaflow in 1361 DR in order to keep a closer eye on the city's north. In 1363 DR, he had an another spire added to the Palace of Many Spires in order to house visiting foreign dignitaries to the city. In 1364 DR, he received a letter of recommendation from Fharaud that mentioned Ivar Devorast and the latter's idea to build a canal from the Lake of Steam to the Nagaflow, which would thus connect the Sea of Fallen Stars to the oceans of Toril. Osorkon took an interest in the idea and funded Devorast to begin work on construction of the canal.[4]

Under the influence of the clandestine Red Wizard Marek Rymüt, the city's elite turned against Osorkon after this project commenced. Thay, which had made much revenue from magically transporting ships and cargo from the Sea of Fallen Stars to the oceans of Toril, stood to lose much if this canal was completed. Rymüt made an alliance with Senator Salatis, whom he supplied with an army of black firedrakes in order to overthrow Osorkon. This occurred in 1365 DR, when Salatis launched a coup to overthrow him that ended with a battle in the Ransar's office between black firedrakes polymorphed into human form and Osorkon with his bodyguards. Osorkon succeeded in killing one of the drakes with his electric mace before he was killed by them with their acidic breath weapon. Salatis then took over as the new Ransar of Innarlith.[6]




  1. Philip Athans (September 2006). Lies of Light. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 27. ISBN 0-7869-3237-6.
  2. Philip Athans (September 2006). Lies of Light. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 25. ISBN 0-7869-3237-6.
  3. Philip Athans (October 2005). Whisper of Waves. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 57. ISBN 0-7869-3237-6.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Philip Athans (October 2005). Whisper of Waves. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 72. ISBN 0-7869-3237-6.
  5. Philip Athans (September 2006). Lies of Light. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 13. ISBN 0-7869-3237-6.
  6. Philip Athans (September 2006). Lies of Light. (Wizards of the Coast), chap. 27. ISBN 0-7869-3237-6.